慶應義塾大学 理工学部 化学科 垣内研究室
住所 〒223-8522 神奈川県横浜市港北区日吉3-14-1
慶應義塾大学理工学部 矢上キャンパス22棟5階(地図)

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14) 化学の要点シリーズ6
垣内史敏、日本化学会、共立出版 (2013).

13) 触媒調製ハンドブック
垣内史敏、ネヌ・ティー・エス、pp 375-381 (2011).

12) CSJカレントレビュー05
垣内史敏、化学同人、pp 40-49 (2011).

11) CSJカレントレビュー05
茶谷直人、垣内史敏、化学同人、pp 10-19 (2011).

10) Topics in Organometallic Chemistry: Directed Metallation
“Catalytic Addition of C-H Bonds to C-C Multiple Bonds”
F. Kakiuchi, Springer: Berlin; pp 1-33 (2007).

9) Handbook of C-H Transformation
“Ruthenium-Catalyzed ortho-Activation of Carbonyl Substituted Arenes”
F. Kakiuchi and S. Murai, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim; pp 166-174 (2005).

8) Handbook of C-H Transformation
“Transition-Metal Catalyzed Silylation of Arenes”
F. Kakiuchi, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim; pp 131-137 (2005).

7) Ruthenium in Organic Synthesis
“Ruthenium-Catalyzed Reactions via sp C-H, sp2 C-H, sp3 C-H, and C-Halogen Bond Activations”
F. Kakiuchi and N. Chatani, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim; pp 219-255 (2004).

6) 有機合成のための触媒反応103
垣内史敏、東京化学同人, pp 108-109.

5) Catalysts for the Fine Chemical Synthesis
The RuH2(CO)(PPh3)3-Catalyzed Alkylation, Alkenylation, and Arylation of Aromatic Ketones via Carbon-Hydrogen Bond Cleavage
F. Kakiuchi, S. Ueno, and N. Chatani, Wiley: West Sussex; pp 14-21 (2004).

4) Topics in Organometallic Chemistry: Vol. 11
Activation of Inert C-H Bonds
F. Kakiuchi and N. Chatani, Springer: Berlin; pp 45-79 (2004).

3) 季刊 化学総説, No.47, 2000
垣内史敏, 茶谷直人, 村井真二, 学会出版センター, pp 3-18 (2000).

2) Topics in Organometallic Chemistry: Vol. 3
Activation of C-H Bonds: Catalytic Reactions
F. Kakiuchi and S. Murai, Springer: Berlin; pp 47-79 (1999).

1) IUPAC Monograph Highly Efficient Method for the Addition of Unactivated Carbon-Hydrogen Bond to Carbon-Carbon Multiple Bonds with Aid of Ruthenium Complexes as the Catalyst
F. Kakiuchi and S. Murai, Blackwell Science: Oxford, U.K.; pp 195-206 (1999).